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CocoaTouch에도 몇몇 자료구조 클래스가 있긴하지만 약간 부족함을 느낄 때 CHDataStructures가 필요하실 거에요. ^^
아래에 CHDataStructures가 지원하는 자료구조를 나열해 봅니다. 그래프만 빼고 대부분은 다 있는 것 같습니다.
http://dysart.cs.byu.edu/CHDataStructures/index.html 에서 문서파일 보실 수 있구요.
svn checkout http://dysart.cs.byu.edu/chsvn/CHDataStructures/ 으로 받으실 수 있습니다^^
혹시 아이폰용으로 컴파일하다 어떤 파일을 못 찾겠다는 메시지가 나오면 프로젝트에 포함시켜주기만 하면 됩니다. 좀 오래전 컴파일을 해서 어떤 파일인지는 까먹었네요 ;;;
그럼 해피코딩하세요^^
CocoaTouch에도 몇몇 자료구조 클래스가 있긴하지만 약간 부족함을 느낄 때 CHDataStructures가 필요하실 거에요. ^^
아래에 CHDataStructures가 지원하는 자료구조를 나열해 봅니다. 그래프만 빼고 대부분은 다 있는 것 같습니다.
http://dysart.cs.byu.edu/CHDataStructures/index.html 에서 문서파일 보실 수 있구요.
svn checkout http://dysart.cs.byu.edu/chsvn/CHDataStructures/ 으로 받으실 수 있습니다^^
혹시 아이폰용으로 컴파일하다 어떤 파일을 못 찾겠다는 메시지가 나오면 프로젝트에 포함시켜주기만 하면 됩니다. 좀 오래전 컴파일을 해서 어떤 파일인지는 까먹었네요 ;;;
그럼 해피코딩하세요^^
CHAbstractBinarySearchTree | An abstract CHSearchTree with many default method implementations |
CHAbstractListCollection | An abstract class which implements common behaviors of list-based collections |
CHAnderssonTree | An AA-tree, a balanced binary search tree with guaranteed O(log n) access |
CHAVLTree | An AVL tree, a balanced binary search tree with guaranteed O(log n) access |
CHBidirectionalDictionary | A dictionary that allows bidirectional lookup by keys and values with equal ease |
CHBinaryHeap | A CHHeap implemented using a CFBinaryHeapRef internally |
CHBinarySearchTreeEnumerator | An NSEnumerator for traversing any CHAbstractBinarySearchTree subclass in a specified order |
CHBinaryTreeNode | A node used by binary search trees for internal storage and representation |
CHCircularBuffer | A circular buffer array with simple built-in locking capabilities |
CHCircularBufferDeque | A simple CHDeque implemented using a CHCircularBuffer |
CHCircularBufferEnumerator | An NSEnumerator for traversing a CHAbstractCircularBufferCollection subclass |
CHCircularBufferQueue | A simple CHQueue implemented using a CHCircularBuffer |
CHCircularBufferStack | A simple CHStack implemented using a CHCircularBuffer |
<CHDeque> | A deque protocol with methods for insertion and removal on both ends |
CHDoublyLinkedList | A standard doubly-linked list implementation with pointers to head and tail |
CHDoublyLinkedListEnumerator | An NSEnumerator for traversing a CHDoublyLinkedList in forward or reverse order |
CHDoublyLinkedListNode | A struct for nodes in a CHDoublyLinkedList |
<CHHeap> | A heap protocol, suitable for use with many variations of the heap structure |
<CHLinkedList> | A linked list protocol with methods that work for singly- or doubly-linked lists |
CHListDeque | A simple CHDeque implemented using a CHDoublyLinkedList |
CHListQueue | A simple CHQueue implemented using a CHSinglyLinkedList |
CHListStack | A simple CHStack implemented using a CHSinglyLinkedList |
<CHLockable> | A simple protocol for adding simple built-in locking capabilities |
CHLockableDictionary | A mutable dictionary class with simple built-in locking capabilities |
CHLockableObject | An abstract parent class for adding simple built-in locking capabilities |
CHLockableSet | A mutable set class with simple built-in locking capabilities |
CHMultiDictionary | A multimap implementation, in which multiple values may be associated with a given key |
CHMutableArrayHeap | A simple CHHeap implemented as a subclass of NSMutableArray |
CHOrderedDictionary | A dictionary which enumerates keys in the order in which they are inserted |
CHOrderedSet | A set which also maintains order of insertion, including manual reordering |
<CHQueue> | A queue protocol with methods for FIFO ("First In, First Out") operations |
CHRedBlackTree | A Red-Black tree, a balanced binary search tree with guaranteed O(log n) access |
<CHSearchTree> | A protocol which specifes an interface for search trees, such as standard binary trees, B-trees, N-ary trees, or any similar tree-like structure |
CHSearchTreeHeaderObject | A dummy object that resides in the header node for a tree |
CHSinglyLinkedList | A standard singly-linked list implementation with pointers to head and tail |
CHSinglyLinkedListEnumerator | An NSEnumerator for traversing a CHSinglyLinkedList from front to back |
CHSinglyLinkedListNode | A struct for nodes in a CHSinglyLinkedList |
CHSortedDictionary | A dictionary which enumerates keys according to their natural sorted order |
<CHSortedSet> | A protocol which specifes an interface for sorted sets |
<CHStack> | A stack protocol with methods for LIFO ("Last In, First Out") operations |
CHTreap | A Treap, a balanced binary tree with O(log n) access in general, and improbable worst cases |
CHUnbalancedTree | A simple unbalanced binary tree that does not guarantee O(log n) access |